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这个是所谓侠客的番外篇,然后,也引用了所谓江湖的人物。 一个新的尝试,说实话,我自己都不知道,最后会发展成什么样。 因为所谓仙魔,团队还在抓紧研发。武侠系列都是我个人做的,两边弄总归有时候有点心累,做的不好的地方请见谅。 免费无广告的测试版。 还是大家多提提意见吧,感谢大家的赏玩。

"me in jianghu" is a magical adventure game based on Western mythology! The color of the picture is mainly black and white, highlighting the secret of darkness and mysterious game atmosphere! The game begins with an animation that tells the magical adventure of Medusa's tears from the tears of darkness to the purest things in the world! As the story progressed, the players turned into the black tears that Medusa shed and started the adventure!

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